Friday, May 8, 2009

Don't forget in crisis! Six steps to better engagement and motivation

I usually don't share these magical recipies for anything, but I found these advises in 'The HayGroup Leader, issue 11, April 2009', that want to share with you:

Support and engagement is the key to retention

The downturn may currently be depressing employee turnover rates, but they're likely to start rising again when markets recover. And even during the bad times top performers are still being presented with opportunities, so organizations need to work hard to keep them motivated. Simply increasing compensation rates is unlikely to work as dissatisfaction with pay is not usually what leads employees to look for the exit. Instead organizations need to look at two key areas: increasing employee engagement and putting in place systems that provide better support for success. Increasing engagement means making greater use of non-monetary rewards. Providing better support for success involves looking for ways to remove those organizational hurdles that hinder employees during their working day. But it's crucial that companies increase both engagement and support for success, as one without the other will not lead to effective employees who are ready to go the extra mile for the organization.

Six steps to better engagement and motivationIn order to succeed in engaging and motivating employees organizations should:
1 ensure that there is a clearly communicated link between performance and rewards within the organization
2 ensure that there is proper differentiation in performance ratings between employees
3 root out bad business practices, such as unnecessary work and duplication, that can adversely affect employee enablement
4 put the right people in the right jobs by focusing on job sizing and the kind of person that best fits the role
5 monitor and improve the work climate within the organization by ensuring that leaders have the right competencies and management styles to motivate employees
6 focus on non-monetary rewards such as career growth opportunities, development, and recognition programs

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